Rush Limbaugh made a great point today in his opening monologue. I'll try to paraphrase.
He said it's an insult when the left demands that the right condemn the actions of the terrorist in Virginia, because it implies that some on the right might somehow support them in some way. I agree but have been unable to articulate it as well as he did.
This subject also offends me personally. I unfriended someone this week and blocked them, which I have rarely done, because it angered me so much. Let me try to explain.
I believe in the right to life from conception to natural death. These beliefs are intellectually consistent. I do not support the death penalty and have not for a long time. I do not believe a person has the right to take another life except to either protect themselves or another from deadly harm. As such I do not believe that a person has the right to abort a life because that life was conceived by rape, incest, or because that baby may be born disabled. I recognize that others, including those on my side of the issue may differ in the logic, but that is ok too.
I do not believe that it is permissible to use violence to silence offensive speech. The answer to offensive speech is to drown out that speech with better speech, endowed with logic, common sense, and love.
I was baptized in a United Methodist Church and converted to Roman Catholicism. I am a sinner and imperfect in many, many ways.
My code. My credo. My guiding principle in my life is the rule of law. We should and must settle our differences at the ballot box, in public forums, in the courthouse, and the statehouse. With speech. We must remember our history so that we do not repeat the mistakes from our past.
There is a reason why the right to free speech was enshrined in the very first amendment to our constitution. It is the most important one.
The most offensive speech deserves the most protection. Nazi's, Klansmen, Communists, Islamic Radicals, Anarchists, Black Separatists, all have the right to peacefully assemble and speak.
The left will tell you that they have the right to answer this offensive speech with violence. But if we allow that, this Republic is lost.
He said it's an insult when the left demands that the right condemn the actions of the terrorist in Virginia, because it implies that some on the right might somehow support them in some way. I agree but have been unable to articulate it as well as he did.
This subject also offends me personally. I unfriended someone this week and blocked them, which I have rarely done, because it angered me so much. Let me try to explain.
I believe in the right to life from conception to natural death. These beliefs are intellectually consistent. I do not support the death penalty and have not for a long time. I do not believe a person has the right to take another life except to either protect themselves or another from deadly harm. As such I do not believe that a person has the right to abort a life because that life was conceived by rape, incest, or because that baby may be born disabled. I recognize that others, including those on my side of the issue may differ in the logic, but that is ok too.
I do not believe that it is permissible to use violence to silence offensive speech. The answer to offensive speech is to drown out that speech with better speech, endowed with logic, common sense, and love.
I was baptized in a United Methodist Church and converted to Roman Catholicism. I am a sinner and imperfect in many, many ways.
My code. My credo. My guiding principle in my life is the rule of law. We should and must settle our differences at the ballot box, in public forums, in the courthouse, and the statehouse. With speech. We must remember our history so that we do not repeat the mistakes from our past.
There is a reason why the right to free speech was enshrined in the very first amendment to our constitution. It is the most important one.
The most offensive speech deserves the most protection. Nazi's, Klansmen, Communists, Islamic Radicals, Anarchists, Black Separatists, all have the right to peacefully assemble and speak.
The left will tell you that they have the right to answer this offensive speech with violence. But if we allow that, this Republic is lost.